maanantai 26. lokakuuta 2015

So high above, it all looks the same (Immolation - What They Bring)

I'm contemplating have I something to say. Haven't been here for some time that's fucking sure. Lots have happened, or I don't know. I'm going through a dental work-out. So, that's different. Still working, that's pretty alright. And despite little damage on my right knee, I'm still playing football. Listening to music. Drinking wine, beer, pisco and whisky. Been drinking wine each day really, even on my diet/fasting days (thrice a week!). But the alcohol consumption ain't a problem. I'm sure some fucker would say that it's what we always say, but that's how it goes, go slurp your fucking tea. I do it moderately and I do it heavily, but no harm done anywhere.