It's Epiphany. Some kind of Christian holiday. Day off work. Thank God for that I guess.
I woke up early. At 5 a.m. Half a sandwich and coffee for breakfast. Been listening to music for couple of hours, doing some online window shopping. I did purchase a Harry Dolan novel called Bad Things Happen, they said it's good somewhere, crime noir shit.
It's -14 Celcius outside.
I read an article from Guardian of a fellow someone called Graham Hughes who traveled (without using a plane) to all 201 countries on earth. Now, that sounds like a plan.
Discovered the artists Mark Kozelek and Archie Bronson Outfit.
I'm more convinced I don't like The Ramones that much. Also The Doors and Joy Division are highly overrated.
People should listen to Wesley Willis more.
After the music session, I played a couple of nice missions of Far Cry 4. Then I went running. It was still early, the sun rose up while I was still there and it was awfully goddamn amazing. It was really cold out there, but I was dressed like a cool motherfucker, so no biggie. I did my usual route six times which amounts to something like 8 kilometres. Fucking love my new Vivo barefoot shoes.
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