maanantai 19. elokuuta 2013

I'd love to drown my sorrow (Chris Cornell - As Hope And Promise Fade)

Coffee, cereal, bread and, my new favourite, pomegranate juice for breakfast. The juice is an Azarbaijan product and it's a real deal: no sugar, no conservaties, 100 % pulp of the fruit.

After work yesterday, I tried to watch some football. I saw the Chelsea game (against Hull) which they won 2-0 and I was looking forward to the games of Barcelona (against Levante) and Real Madrid (against Real Betis), but I became dead tired after two classes of wine, so I went to sleep. FC Barcelona beat Levante 7-0, Leo Messi two.

Some football in the evening. I was a bit out of shape, due to a reason or another my neck hurts like hell. 

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