Kinda was worried - if I gave a fuck, that is - that I'd forgot to write here yesterday. And I did. Was working the better part of Saturday, so I was quite knackered at home. Hardly had the strenght to watch Survivor and eat. Watched the Steven Spielberg movie Lincoln, too - but only 60 minutes, this will be a long process, I'm so not interested in the subject matter. Sure enough, the actors are great and the movie looks the part, but so far it's been a boring motherfucker. But I have to watch it, so I can at least say that I have watched it.
Work day was interesting to say the least. Almost half of the library was closed down because we are cleaning the carpets, so we had to use detours when going from place A to place B. And some extra work too. We had to throw couple of violent drunks out of the premises. We have a guard, but the guard stayed motherfucking silent and did fuck all. Luckily the other drunk - the scary violent type - was so wasted on booze and pills that I escorted him out with ease. The other one was alright. I even thanked him.
Today after a work day, I bought myself a kebab pizza and decided not to finish watching Lincoln, and I picked Andrew Dominik's Killing Them Softly instead and it was a great movie.
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