tiistai 30. huhtikuuta 2013

Torment all the priests on earth (Kreator - Cry War)

It's a May Day eve and the citizens of this country get drunk. I don't have plans except for the Champions League game, I can get drunk without others too.

Nothing spectacular at work. At home, took a short nap. Went to help my brother and lifted a washing machine to his car. Rummaged through my storage depot and found some stuff to give away to my brother's new home. Found a very old meat cleaver, a few generations old, I'll find it a better place than a cold and damp attic.

Today I learned that newspapers are so big (broadsheet) because the British government began taxing newspapers in 1712 based on the number of their pages.

maanantai 29. huhtikuuta 2013

Forty-one stoney gray steps towards the grave (Alabama 3 - Woke Up This Morning)

I had a surprisingly high blood pressure last evening and it was still high this morning. Maybe it has to do with the workday, even if I didn't think there's absolutely nothing stressful about it.

An evening shift at work.

Wasn't feeling my best at the work and I clearly felt the symptoms of a high blood pressure (cold sweat and the feeling of constantly wearing a helmet), but thankfully it was quite an easy day, tried to find a bicycle thief from our surveillance camera recordings (the theft took place last Friday) and found two quite obvious candidates.

Today I learned that ancient Greek/Roman statues were originally brightly painted. The colors have faded over time as revealed by Ultraviolet light.

sunnuntai 28. huhtikuuta 2013

Lying to a heart that's sighing (The Virginmarys - Ends Don't Mend)

Bits hangover. Tried killing it with a proper breakfast, mango juice, water and one episode of Extras.

Went with the cats to the staircase of our apartment, just for their amusement. They think it's fucken cool.

Listened to music. Discovered The Virginmarys, a British band apparently. The closing tune (Ends Don't Mend) from their King Of Conflict album sounds great. The other songs are a bit too mainstreamish to my liking. A clean-cut version of Gluecifer is a fitting description.

Today I learned that there are more than 1,000 chemicals in a single cup of coffee. Of these, only 26 have been tested and half caused cancer in rats.

lauantai 27. huhtikuuta 2013

So you still believe you're ruling the world (Laibach - Anglia)

Tea and music in the morning.

Went to the city and brought myself a new pair of running shoes and running socks. If in doubt, it's not the wind, it's me.

Went running. With my new shoes. And socks. Did my usual route four times and it was relatively easy. The first two rounds were a bit awkward probably because of the new equipment. The weather was really warm.

Red wine and whiskey for supper. Watched Motörhead from television.

Today I learned that teddy bears have killed more people than grizzly bears.

perjantai 26. huhtikuuta 2013

My mind in purest white, in lawless land (Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats - I'll Cut You Down)

There was a super-sale at the local supermarket that is closing its doors this weekend. Everything was -50% or -70%. Even though it rained like hell, I took a bike, rode 30 minutes, got there in time and purchaded quite a many DVDs, couple of PS3 games and a table fan. And they all were dirt cheap. Didn't spend too much time there because it got extremely crowded, so I rode back home, in the heavy rain again.

Later went to my work place where my colleague served his retirement coffee + cake. It all reminded me that I have to go back to that place in few days time.

At home watched a bullshit drama starring Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones. To my honor, I was also reading a script book of Extras, the TV show.

Few glasses of Venetian red wine Masi in the evening. Listened to new and not so new music by Ibrahim Maalouf, Mogwai, Steven Wilson, Grand Magus, Samae Koskinen, Pentagram, The Virginmarys and the soundtrack of Treme (1st season). That's just the stuff I brought from the library today, don't know will I stuck with 'em much longer, although the Treme soundtrack sounds interesting. Steven Wilson's album is too progressive for my taste and the lyrics are shit. 

Today I learned that specifically for the Nazis, Coca Cola decided to make a fruit-flavored soda when there was a shortage of syrup, and invented Fanta.

torstai 25. huhtikuuta 2013

I prepared you for the second coming of my god (Danzig - Brand New God)

Probably the first proper (shiny and warm) Spring day this year.

Some crazy results in the Champions League during the past couple of days. Germany leads Spain 8 to 1. Entertaining matches to say the least. Had an extra glass of wine last night while watching Dortmund hammer Real Madrid.

Went running in the early evening and did my usual route four times, I could easily have done more laps, but there was a football match starting in the vicinity, so it was getting crowded because of the fans.

Today I learned that wombats shit cube shaped bricks.

keskiviikko 24. huhtikuuta 2013

When it's cold as lizard's heart (The Heavy - The Lonesome Road)

Taking it easy and stress-free.

Watched the final episode of Luck, and sad to see it go. I hear they stopped doing the show after the first season.

Today I learned that lobsters are "biologically immortal" (their cell structure does not degenerate or deteriorate over a period of time. When their body reproduces cells, the cells are of exactly the same quality as they were since the beginning. This means they won't die due to age, but they will die due to injury or disease).

tiistai 23. huhtikuuta 2013

Well I' m just another sad guest on this dark earth (Tom Waits - Baby Gonna Leave Me)

Read a few pages of Tom Waits book in the morning - Tom Waits on Tom Waits, interviews and encounters - and it's very fucking good. I'm not reading it from cover to cover, instead I pick up an interview or article randomly and read it. I use a pen as a bookmark and use it to underline all the tidbits. Like all the Tom Waits books, it's full of marvellous quotes and clever insights.

Went shopping and purchased new jeans (bootcut, as always) and some books by Charles Jackson, Kari Hotakainen and Jari Tervo, the last one I got for free because it's a national book day.

Went running and did my usual route four times. Yesterday doing it six times was like a walk in a park, but today it was pretty hard. Thankfully my blood pressure and pulse were alright after the exercise though.

Coffee in the evening and preparing the home studio for tonight's Champions League game Bayern München vs. Barcelona. 

Today I learned that there are 132 rooms in the US White House.

maanantai 22. huhtikuuta 2013

I’m going to Wichita, far from this opera for evermore (The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army)

Routines in the morning. Oatmeal, blood pressure, the works.

Went to my workplace to get next May's roster. After the sick leave I have two working days and I'll start a 10 days holiday and that's nice, I have time to get my blood pressure in order. Chatted with the guys for a while and realized I don't miss coming back to work that much. Luckily I'm on sick leave the entire week.

On the way home went to a record store to pick up my reservations, couple of special 7" albums, by Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds (Animal) and The Black Keys/The Stooges Split No Fun. 

A little later, took a bike to my ex's. Our cat celebrated her 4th birthday and she gave me pizza and cheese cake. I brushed her coat with a special comb and she loved it. And I did too.

At home I took a 60 minutes nap and went running. I did my usual route six times (app. 7,8 kilometres) and hardly broke a sweat. One of the easiest work-outs this year. I was surprised that my blood pressure wasn't as low as I expected it to be.

Later in the evening watched a documentary of Olof Palme and I was quite impressed.

Today I learned that trees can send warning signal to other tree about insect attacks.

sunnuntai 21. huhtikuuta 2013

Okay this is a song about killing everybody, let's all sing along now (...And You Know Us By The Trail Of Dead - Richter Scale Madness)

Sunday. Woke up really early (around 6 a.m.), checked my blood pressure (it was alright, but not low enough), took my medicine, ate couple of sandwiches and drank coffee.

Killed time with PS3, music and the internet.

My mom is paying me a visit, so on her initiative we thawed my freezer. Some of the food has remained there untouched for few years.

There was some indication that I had a flu coming up thence opted not going outside for a jog at a park. Felt a little better after a sauna and a big glass of red wine. I haven't had a flu since the beginning of the year, I have tried to fight it off eating one glove of garlic each day.

Today I learned that bats always turn left when exiting a cave.

lauantai 20. huhtikuuta 2013

I have made peace for my own death (Sólstafir - Pale Rider)

Better part of the day went while moving my brother's and his girlfriend's belongings to their new apartment. Did a short morning run before that.

Later went to the library to pick up my reservations and chat with my collagues. Learned that we'll probably get a guard working there full-time and it will be a huge relief if that happens.

Tried to watch David Cronenberg's A Dangerous Method, but got bored after 15 minutes. Successfully watched Looper instead.

Today I learned that the city of Dublin was founded by vikings.

perjantai 19. huhtikuuta 2013

Jesus the scum blown away (Impaled Nazarene - Sadhu Satana)

My blood pressure wasn't as good as I expected it to be. It wasn't as ghastly as it has been at the worst of times, but with the medication and somewhat healthy living, it should have been better. Despite doctor's orders, I should start jogging more regularly because only that seem to have some positive effect.

If only the weather would pick up. Quite a many rainy and windy days in a row.

As for more healthier living. Maybe I should drank one instead of two cups of coffee each morning. Small steps, you know. I already eat healthier.

I dumped the Cormac McCarthy novel I was reading, it was very good, but I hadn't the patience to concentrate on it properly, so picked up a John Verdon book Let The Devil Sleep, shouldn't be as challenging I would imagine. Like it how the author at the early pages describes tinnitus: What in daylight might resemble the harmless whistling of a teakettle in a distant room became in the darkness a sinister presence, a cold, metallic atmosphere that encased him.

Went running, did my usual route four times and ran back home (altogether app. 6 kilometres) and yet again, after the exercise my blood pressure was fine. I don't know what the doctor was blabbering about when she warned me of going jogging. 

Today I learned that everyone in the world has a common ancestor that lived 5000-10000 years ago. 

torstai 18. huhtikuuta 2013

You’re a book out of nowhere being read all the time (The Soundtrack Of Our Lives - Sister Surround)

Not terribly hangover even though I had a few beers and a big glass of red wine at the Graveyard show.

Did my new routines in the morning. Checked the blood pressure and it's getting better. I'm glad I'm on sick leave because I can just sit back and relax.

Took a bike and went to see my ex and our mutual cats. I had couple of bags of cat food with me, so hopefully made them happy.

Awfully fucking rainy and windy all day, so opted staying inside. Didn't really do much of anything but watched fiction (Luck) and television and played PS3 (Fifa 2012, Max Payne 3, L.A.Noire), tried to watch a movie called Almighty Thor, but 7 minutes of that garbage was enough for me.

Today I learned that when you chew and talk, it cleans your ears.

keskiviikko 17. huhtikuuta 2013

I smelled the spring on the smoky wind (The Pogues - Dirty Old Town)

Took my medicine in the morning, measured the blood pressure, read the newspaper, ate porridge and drank couple of cups of coffee. Something that's going to be my routine from now on.

It's way too early to tell, but it seems that my blood pressure is slowly decreasing.

In the evening went to see Sweden's Graveyard at a local club. 

Today I learned that nine crewmen survived when their war plane crashed during World War II. Eight were captured by the Japanese and eaten. One survived because he was picked up by a passing submarine. That survivor was George H.W. Bush.

tiistai 16. huhtikuuta 2013

Wanna see my past in flames? (Queens Of The Stone Age - Misfit Love)

Started the medication for my high blood pressure and cholesterol this morning. I probably won't notice anything different for the next few days or weeks, but maybe I was more tired the whole day than I am ordinarily. I have cut down the consumption of coffee too, so maybe that's the reason.

A long day with not much anything to do. I would have had the time to go running, but the doctor said it wouldn't be too wise. So, I was indoors most of the time, watching movies, hanging around with my cats and playing PS3.

There was an another TV show to follow. Watched the first episode of Life's Too Short, a comedy created by funny geniuses Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. 

Today I learned that a bear has 42 teeth.

maanantai 15. huhtikuuta 2013

Angels take poisons in rotting pavilions (Coil - Titan Arch)

A day at the doctor's.

Watched an episode of Boardwalk Empire before going in.

It would be funny if it wasn't kind of tragic. The doctor tried to measure my blood pressure, but the machine couldn't handle such high numbers, so we had to try it three times to get something and we got the maximum. They should have had the Spinal Tap version of sphygmomanometer. I have an essential (primary) blood pressure disease (sic) and also high cholesterol. I got two weeks' sick leave from work and medicine for both the blood pressure and cholesterol. Hopefully things perk up.

Later finished watching the first season of Boardwalk Empire and it was fucken cool. I own the second season as well and, while at sick leave, might as well watch it too. Though I have some other unfinished seasons of some other shows as well, like Luck, Justified, Human Planet, Archer, Life On Mars, 30 Rock, Treme and Yellowstone, and others.

Finnish ice hockey play offs began, so that was on television. Watched it while reading Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian.

Today I learned that the movie "This is Spinal Tap" is the only movie on imdb rated on a 1 to 11.

sunnuntai 14. huhtikuuta 2013

The last drink is always the saddest (Spiritual Beggars - Mantra)

It's Sunday, but I'll be working from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The whole day is basically wasted. Unless I had a doctor's appointment tomorrow, I'd probably get drunk on whiskey in the evening.

Pretty relaxed working day. Not much to do, a few junkies roaming around the premises, so that kept us on our toes.

Today I learned that in 1945, Japanese radar operators detected a small number of incoming US planes (which carried the nuclear bombs to be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki), but decided not to intercept them as the small number of planes were not seen as a threat.

lauantai 13. huhtikuuta 2013

The older the fences, the weaker the lamb (Darkthrone - Leave No Cross Unturned)

Well, since the beginning of the year 2013 I have written a blog solely because I wanted to see where the days disappear. It's all explained elsewhere, I had a different provider, but it kept fucking up thence I'm here.

Anyways, this is just for my personal amusement and nuisance.

You can go the fuck off.

I'll continue where I left off. Which is this: http://dirtyhippy.blogit.fi/.

I don't write much. And what is written, it's not important or intellectual, there are no deep musings. Nothing concerns you. It's about me, for me. Again, you can go fuck yourself.

Like for instance, today I went to work, there was nothing interesting, it rained pretty much the whole day, so the library (where I work) was quiet and things weren't happening. After the work I ate some meat casserole and almost immediately went to see my brother's (and his girlfriend's) new place of residence. A nice house with lots of apple trees on the yard. Once back home, I played with the cats (I have two), took a shower and brewed coffee. Drank the coffee and watched Boardwalk Empire on DVD.

There. See. You. Are. Not. Interested.

Go away. 

Today I learned that in 1976, doctors in L.A. went on a strike for a month, and the mortality rate dropped 18 %.